Research Based References

Our programs are effective, powerful, and research-based
for optimal success

Breaking the Bullying Circle Youth Assembly (Parent Optional)

1) “Research has established that bullying is a social phenomenon that goes beyond the bully-victim interaction and depends greatly on peer group dynamics and the critical role of bystanders.”

- Benbenishty, R., & Astor, R. A. (2012). Monitoring school violence in Israel, national studies and beyond: Implications for theory, practice, and policy. In S. R. Jimerson, A. B. Nickerson, M. J. Mayer & M. J. Furlong (Eds), Handbook of school violence and school safety: International research and practice (2nd ed., pp. 191–202). New York: Routledge.

- Espelage, D. L. (2012). Bullying prevention: A research dialogue with Dorothy Espelage. Prevention Researcher, 19(3), 17–19.

This program addresses the bystanders in the schools and how to stop bullying with their help.

2) “Studies have identified more effective discipline practices and determined that the widespread emphasis on school suspension is ineffective.”

-  American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force. (2008). Are zero tolerance policies effective in the schools? An evidentiary review and recommendations. American Psychologist, 63, 852–862.

This program addresses alternative solutions to ineffective zero tolerance policies.

2) “It appears that the most effective approaches for preventing or minimizing bullying in schools involve a comprehensive, multilevel strategy that targets bullies, victims, bystanders, families, and communities.”

- Atlas, R., & Pepler, D. (1998). Observations of bullying in the classroom. Journal of Educational Research, 92, 86— 99.

This program engages and educates the bullies, victims, bystanders and families participating.

3) “School policies that address bullying must not be limited to student bullying, but should include bullying of students by adults in the school.”

- Rigby, K. (1995). What schools can do about bullying. Professional Reading Guide for Educational Administrators, 77(1), 1-5.

This program addresses how to open communication between adults and children to help the adults be aware that they are possibly unknowingly displaying bullying characteristics.

Fun Fitness Youth Assembly

1) “Providing enjoyable experiences is a potent strategy for increasing activity levels in youth, their attitude about the value of exercise, and ultimately long-term health outcomes.”

- Rowland, T.W., & Freedson, P.S. (1994). Physical activity, fitness, and health in children: A close look. Pediatrics, 93 , 669- 672.

This program teaches 3 fun and enjoyable powercises to increase and maintain health and physical fitness.

2) “Studies examining the effect of vertical load carriage on the spinal column have indicated changes including disc degeneration, spinal creep and histological changes.”

- Kanlayanaphotporn, R., Lam, L., Williams, M., Trott, P., Fulton, I. Adolescent versus adult responses to vertical spinal loading. Ergonomics. 12-15-2001.

- Phelip, X. Why the back of the child? Eur. Spine J. 1999, 8:426-428

This program educates the students on the proper technique to wearing back packs. The students are taught the long lasting negative effects of improper technique.

Behavior Mastery(Teacher and Parent Behavior Modification Strategies)

1) “Research suggests that the success of a behavioral intervention hinges on identifying the specific conditions that prompt and reinforce the problem behavior.”

- Epstein, M., Atkins, M., Cullinan, D., Kutash, K., & Weaver, R. (2008, September 1). Overview. Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom, 6.

This workshop teaches participants how to identify and change the behaviors that have unknowingly been displaying and reinforcing the problem behaviors.

2) “Help students with behavior problems learn how, when, and where to use these new skills; increase the opportunities that the students have to exhibit appropriate behaviors; preserve a positive classroom climate; and manage consequences to reinforce students’ display of positive “replacement” behaviors and adaptive skills.”

- Epstein, M., Atkins, M., Cullinan, D., Kutash, K., & Weaver, R. (2008, September 1). Overview. Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom, 6.

This continuing professional development workshop teaches the participants a complete behavior modificationsystem that will promote a positive classroom and home climate. This is accomplished by rewarding positive behaviors, eliminating negative behavior reinforcement and systematically implement consequences.

3) “Children’s behaviors are shaped by the expectations and examples provided by important adults in their lives and by their peers.”

- Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. New York: General Learning Press.

This workshop teaches the participants how to communicate effectively with their students by demonstrating auditory, visual and kinesthetic ques that the children understand.

Outsmart the Stranger Youth Assembly

1) “Behavioral Skills Training has been used successfully to teach children to avoid consuming poisons, to behave appropriately after discovering a firearm and to resist complying with a stranger’s abduction lures.”

- Dancho, K. A., Thompson, R. H., & Rhoades, M. M. (2008). Teaching preschool children to avoid poison hazards. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 41 , 267–271.

- Himle, M. B., Miltenberger, R. G., Flessner, C., & Gatheridge, B. (2004). Teaching safety skills to children to prevent gun play. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 37 , 1–9.Himle, M. B., Miltenberger, R. G., Flessner, C., & Gatheridge, B. (2004). Teaching safety skills to children to prevent gun play. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 37 , 1–9.

- Johnson, B. M., Miltenberger, R. G., Egemo-Helm, K., Jostad, C. M., Flessner, C., & Gatheridge, B. (2005). Evaluation of behavioral skills training for teaching abduction-prevention skills to young children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 38 , 67–78.

This program contains behavioral skills training that teaches the children how to mentally and physically avoid a child abduction and successfully help stop one in the process.

2) In a recent study on retention of techniques, researchers found six months after program participation, retention of skills was total. All of the children who passed the simulation immediately after instruction in the previous year passed the final simulation.

- Miyoshi, T. Measuring children's retention of skills to resist stranger abduction: Use of the simulation technique. Child Abuse & Neglect, 181-185.

This program teaches the children anti-abduction techniques and has them demonstrate the techniques through games and activities to reinforce retention.

820 Raritan Ave. Fl 2, Highland Park, NJ 08904 ~ P. 732-777-1326 ~ F. 732-777-1327 ~