Professional Development workshops for early childhood educators - Education and Training for early childhood education teachers of young children

Get Pumped Up with Our professional development workshops for early childhood educators 

Hey there, fellow educator professionals! Ready to kick our teaching game up a notch? Say hello to my awesome lineup of professional development workshops for early childhood educators like us! Yep, I am still an educator and teach children at a preschool!

My early childhood development is all about bringing the energy and fun while diving deep into what makes ECE rock! My workshops are not your average snooze-fests. Nope, they're career changing, igniting that spark of passion that reminds you why you chose to work with preschool aged children to begin with. Hint: It's because you are a superhero!

What Makes My Training Awesome?

    • NOT BORING! Most workshops feature mundane speakers droning on with dense PowerPoint slides. Not here! I'm all about interactive, engaging sessions that inspire and empower.
    • ENGAGING! As someone who champions early childhood education and understands the struggle with ADHD, I thrive on playful learning experiences that captivate and energize workshops for preschool teachers.
    • CONVERSATIONAL! Say goodbye to boring lectures! I'm here to spark meaningful dialogue and draw out your innate wisdom. Let's learn together in a dynamic, supportive environment.
    • RELATABLE! Did I mention I teach preschoolers through Yogarate classes? Yep, that's right! I bring firsthand experience and a unique perspective to the table as an early learning professional

What can you expect at a professional development workshop?

  • Experience joy and child-like laughter through TMVs (Teachable Moment Videos) in every training
  • Engage in thought-provoking and possibly mindset-shifting discussions during TMVs
  • Participate in stretching exercises designed to invigorate your body and mind.
  • Enjoy sing-alongs to popular songs, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
  • Learn loving ways to breathe and prioritize self-care skills
  • Discover the power of one simple sentence to quiet your mind and promote mindfulness. 

Ready to change your early childhood education training experience and how you connect with the children in your care?

Are you ready to revolutionize your early childhood education training experience and transform the way you connect with the children in your care? It's time to break free from conventional methods and embark on a journey of growth and discovery. With our innovative training programs, you'll gain practical insights, valuable strategies, and a fresh perspective on early childhood education. Discover new ways to engage, inspire, and nurture young minds, creating meaningful connections that last a lifetime. Join us and embrace the future of early childhood education training today!

Workshops You can choose from:

YOGARATE - early learning yoga and karate

Experience the dynamic fusion of martial arts and yoga with Yogarate®! In this unique class, participants delve into a movement system that seamlessly integrates age-appropriate martial arts and yoga while instilling essential life skills like respect and belly breathing. It's like literacy for the mind and body!

The Yogarate® journey begins with invigorating body-strengthening exercises rooted in martial arts principles, fostering a culture of respect and discipline. Transitioning seamlessly into yoga, participants flow through sun salutations and engage in age-appropriate calming meditations, promoting mindfulness and inner peace.

By the conclusion of our early childhood professional development workshop, participants will be equipped to lead a full 30-minute Yogarate® class, empowering them to impart valuable skills and practices to their students. Prepare to embrace a holistic approach to movement and mindfulness that nurtures both body and spirit.

Captain of the Ship - for executive professionals 

In the realm of early childhood education leadership development, the role of a director or principal is akin to being the captain of a ship, navigating through a myriad of responsibilities with finesse and adaptability. The Director Workshop offers a transformative experience where participants delve into innovative approaches to communication, learning to engage effectively with parents, teachers, and students alike. Through dynamic sessions, attendees gain invaluable insights into eliminating ineffective language, managing challenging interactions with composure, and leading with empathy rather than commands, fostering a nurturing and empowering environment for all.

By the workshop's conclusion, participants emerge equipped with practical strategies to handle challenging scenarios, including mastering breathing techniques for instant energy boosts and calm, inspiring staff to contribute actively in meetings, and delegating responsibilities strategically to foster growth and retention among team members. Prepare to embark on a journey of professional growth and empowerment, where leadership skills are honed and refined to steer the ship of early childhood education with confidence and grace.

Body & Mind - for everyone in a preschool

In the transformative Body & Mind (Health & Wellness) workshop, teachers revel in the results and newfound sense of well-being, learning to strengthen their bodies, alleviate teaching-affecting pain, cultivate a serene mindset, navigate high-stress situations with ease, and harness the power of 5-minute meditation for enhanced alertness and effectiveness throughout the day.

Behavior Mastery 

Embark on a transformative journey with the Behavior Mastery™ workshop, acclaimed for its innovative and thought-provoking approach to effective behavior strategies in early childhood education. This revolutionary professional program caters not only to compliant children but also to assertive alpha personalities, recognizing the need to nurture future leaders differently. At the culmination of the early childhood professional development workshop, participants will gain invaluable insights into the pivotal role of embodying authority figures rather than friends in classroom dynamics. They'll learn techniques to swiftly interrupt attention-seeking patterns, deliver instructions effectively to minimize resistance, and maintain an unemotional demeanor to counteract unintended negative reinforcement. Moreover, educators will discover strategies to transform children with challenging behaviors into the ultimate classroom leaders through targeted interventions and compassionate guidance.

Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the potential to revolutionize classroom dynamics and cultivate future leaders who thrive in diverse learning environments. Through the Behavior Mastery™ workshop, educators will emerge equipped with practical tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of behavior management with confidence, fostering a supportive and empowering learning environment for all students.

THE (Team Heart Experience) workshop

This professional team building, mind awaking workshop is called THE (Team Heart Experience) workshop. Creating a vision for teachers themselves that aligns with the school is essential. Participants laugh while engaging in thought-provoking exercises, games and conversations that expose them to life-affirming experiences and concepts centered on getting to the root of the challenges within their school and classroom. Participants leave more connected to their career and committed to their entire team’s success.

Online Courses for Early Childhood Teachers

Are you looking for courses for early learning professional development? Are you an early childhood educator in search of top-notch online courses tailored specifically for early childhood professionals? Look no further! Our courses offer a welcoming space where educators can delve into a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies, finely crafted to nurture young minds effectively. Whether you're a seasoned educator or just starting your journey in early childhood education, our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide array of topics essential for fostering holistic development in children. From curriculum planning to child psychology and classroom management, our courses provide the tools and insights you need to excel in your role. 


Are you looking for a dynamic speaker for your conferences?

Get your early childhood teachers a learning experience like none other! If you are not looking for professional development, take a look at my keynote page to learn more about what I can do for your conference!